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世界海拔最高的铁路The Qingzang Railway

发表于 2007-12-22 06:25:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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The railway of Qingzang begin from Xining—the capital of Qinghai province to Lasa—the capital of Tibet self-governing province . The all way is one thousand and fifty six kilometres. The section of Xingning to Ge'ermu has eight hundred and fourteen kilometres . It begin to build at 1958 and the open to traffic is at 1984. The section of Ge'ermu-Lasa has one thousand one hundred and forty two kilometers long. It started working at June 29 th 2001,and completed at October 15 th 2005 and will be put on train in July 1 s t 2006. At 11:05 in the morning of July,1st the train no.0016 is drive to Lasa......

青藏铁路起自青海省省会西宁市,终至西藏自治区首府拉萨市,全长一千九百五十六公里,其中西宁至格尔木段八百一十四公里,于一九五八年动工兴建,一九八四年建成通车,格尔木至拉萨段一千一百四十二公里,于二零零一年六月二十九日开工兴建,二零零五年十月十五日全线贯通,二零零六年七月一日投入试运营。 2006年7月1日上午11点5分,伴随着长长的汽笛声,编号0016的首列旅客列车“青1”缓缓启动,向拉萨驶去……
There are thirty -four train station in the section of Ge'ermu-Lasa. And nine of these station have established the platform of admiring the scenery. Every platform have built the stage of five hundred long and one point twenty five high for passengers that can look the scenery at a distance and watch at close. The magnificent scene could take in everything in a glance.

青藏铁路格拉段一共设有 34 个车站,这些车站中有 9 个站设立了观光台。每个观光站台都会特别建造一个长 500 米、高 1.25 米的台子,供乘客远眺近观、壮丽的景色一览无余。
The Qingzang railway run across the plateau frozen ground and its highest altitude is five thousand and seventy two meters high. It has worked a wonder of upland railway. Its completion and open will play a large role in advancing economy and society development and improving the life of people and strengthening the comity of nations and promoting the communication of culture in the area of Qinghai and Tibet province.


发表于 2007-12-22 09:28:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-12-22 21:20:12 | 显示全部楼层
引用第1楼丛林里的海藻于2007-12-22 09:28发表的 :

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