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发表于 2013-7-24 11:47:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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周未去朱雀八福客栈,感 觉还不错,推存给大家。
发表于 2013-10-26 05:47:11 | 显示全部楼层

Article Writing - An Affordable Marketing Tool

Article Writing - An Affordable Marketing Tool
Using any search word you can think of, you will find that many of the search engine returns you get will be related to content rich articles. These articles will be rich in content, including search words. It is these articles that can give the writer his traffic.
Considered one of the most cost effective methods of website promotion, it can also be one of the most lucrative. Why? Because on the Net, content is king and original content rules. Another fact is that today's Internet users crave information. They search for it! They demand it! Therefore,モンクレール ベスト, when you write good articles it helps build both your traffic and reputation.
What does it take to get started? Not much, just your hands,, a computer,ニューバランス アウトレッ, your thoughts, and access to research information. When you write, remember one important point: your articles must not be sales letters.They need to give the reader something that they can use. Think of it as the coffee table approach.
In other words,Article Marketing And Its Effect On Your Traffic, you are putting your reader at ease by talking to them, not trying to sell to them. It's not as hard as it sounds.
So,ティンバーランドメンズ, what does all of this mean? Measure the benefits of a good article for yourself.
First, it's free! When I say that, I am referring to the fact that it costs you nothing or next to nothing to write and submit these articles to the article directories. Or you can use an article submission service to submit your articles faster and to more directories. Either way, it's worth it.
Your site starts getting noticed. There is a viral effect here that is interesting. Submitting to high traffic directories can get your article noticed by other directories and readers. They,モンクレール ダウン, in turn, can take your article and add it to their directories. They have to follow the guidelines related to this by keeping your "About the Author" information with the article. The individual readers may have an e-zine, mailing list, etc. and may want to use your article in there. How does this help you? It adds more potential traffic to your site through the back links.
The viral effect mentioned above involves your back link. It can spread at an incredible speed depending on the quality of your article and the demand. The more it spreads,トゥミ バッグ, the more back links you will have and the more traffic you can attract.
The more articles you write in a given field, the more the traffic you can get. But, there is one other benefit to be mentioned: your reputation. The more articles you can produce the more you show yourself to be an expert in that field. The higher the quality, the better the exposure, the higher the conversion rate. This can translate directly into sales.
Simply get your creative juices flowing and get started. Pick a niche and take notes on ideas you think people would be interested in. Visit forums and social websites and find out people are talking about and start writing. This works!
发表于 2013-10-26 07:20:10 | 显示全部楼层

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