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英国人开骂了-伦敦八分钟 (BBC上的留言)

发表于 2008-8-29 10:32:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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<DIV class=t_msgfont id=message22857842 title="">  天啊,中国人的表演将是很难去学习,英国的表现是这么的丢脸,丢脸之极。一辆双层公交,贝克汉姆,一个选秀赢家,一个老摇滚明星,一群舞者拿这雨伞乱丢报纸,我猜这就是现代伦敦的标志。我恐怕我们的表现对比中国来说永远只能是二等。。。。。。<BR><BR>  The dancing was a bit straggly in the " London " routine . After seeing all the cyclists taking part,the Chinese will think "Nobody can afford cars in London "<BR>  伦敦的例行表演中登场的那些舞者简直就是群魔乱舞。眼看着那些骑着自行车的家伙也来凑热闹,中国人都会认为“伦敦人都买不起车啦”<BR>  <BR>  The British "teaser" was ok, but we were disappointed to see the performer in the wheelchair was not in fact disabled but was leaping around later in the dance.<BR>  英国人还不赖,不过当我们发现那位坐轮椅的表演者根本不是残疾的时候--他在稍后的舞蹈中到处蹦达来着 --- 好失望呀么好失望。<BR><BR>  Did anyone else this the 'London 8 minutes' presentation was - dare I say it - rubbish!? Leona sang her heart out on top of a ladder, on top of a bus whilst 20 contemporary dancers did their stuff way below. It was just so low key relative to what had gone on before it.<BR>  这儿还有没有人也觉得这次“伦敦8分钟”表演根本就是--恕我直言--垃圾!?Leona站在那巴士顶上的高架子上唱歌,简直把她的小心肝都给吓破了;同时还有那20来个家伙在底下伴舞。跟之前的那些表演相比,真是够丢分的了。<BR>  <BR>  But oh, our offering at the closing ceremony was embarrassing.A red bus,a pop singer, an ageing rocker and an overpaid ball kicker was awful. Where was our great Island heritage portrayed in all this flummery?<BR>  哦,我们在闭幕式上的表现真丢脸。一辆红吧是,一个流行歌手,一个摇滚老头,还有个我们付了太多薪水给他的踢球的家伙 -- 这一切都太糟糕了。在这堆乱七八糟的糟粕里头,我们这个伟大岛屿的传承却无处可见。<BR><BR>  Organisers - please do better for us in 2012.<BR>  组织者 -- 行行好,好好干~在2012年给我们挣点脸<BR><BR>  And why can't Boris button his jacket? Too fat or bad tailoring?<BR>  这句话是说他们市长的:为什么Boris上衣的扣子不扣起来?他太胖了还是衣服剪裁不合适?<BR><BR>  I've just watched the Olympic closing ceremony, and as I feared, Britain's contribution was embarassing and totally pathetic - I just hope they manage to do better in 2012. It will obviously be impossible to rival the spectacular pageant that Beijing provided, but I thought the dancing (if you can call that dancing) and the Leona Lewis/Jimmy Page effort was just pitiful. Hopefully, we can ditch all this government inspired 'Cool Britannia' garbage and present something a bit more slick and professional.<BR>  刚看了闭幕式,跟我担心的一样,英国的表现真丢人而且完全令人失望,我只希望他们2012年能搞好点儿。很明显我们没法跟北京搞出的壮观场面好点,但我想那些舞蹈(如果你管那个叫舞蹈)和俩歌手的表演都很令人遗憾。希望我们能够摆脱政府提倡的那些“酷酷的大不列颠”的垃圾,展现一些更专业和娴熟(?)的东西<BR><BR>  I agree that Adrian Childs was poor: he seemed to think that he was on the One Show.  <BR>  The London Bus routine was pretty much rubbish ... the music was poor and everything smacked of pop culture. Period. <BR>  The Games themselves were superbly run. The BBC was teetering on the brink of overblown nationalism, however.<BR>  我也觉得Adrian Childs很可怜,他看上去以为自己是在个人秀。。<BR>  伦敦巴士的演出特别垃圾,音乐很糟糕,所有一切都带着流行文化时代的味道。<BR>  运动会本身搞得非常好,但bbc有过分的民族主义之嫌(是嫌bbc吹捧英国运动员太厉害?)<BR><BR>  I'm staying in Singapore and feel embarrassed to go to work tomorrow after that dreadful showing by London 2012  <BR>  我住在新加坡,在伦敦2012年可怕的表演过后我明天去工作的时候会感觉很尴尬。<BR><BR>  I live in Germany and, like the person from Singapore, will be ashamed to meet my friends tomorrow  <BR>  我住在德国,就像那个住新加坡人说的,明天去见朋友的时候会变的很丢脸。<BR><BR>  Jimmy Page and David Beckham have been massive icons of British popular culture. I'm not especially a fan of either, but they perfectly suited to the ceremony.  <BR>  Not bothered either way about Leona whatshername, but the chief embarrassment, reducing us instantly to laughing stock of the world and diminishing at a stroke the achievements of our athletes, was the presence of Boris Bloody Johnson!!! This man symbolizes everything wrong with Britain - a deeply untalented buffoon, with a thoroughly sinister interior. Get him off the stage once and for all.<BR>  Jimmy Page和贝壳都是英国流行文化的重大标志。我并不是他们的粉丝,但他们很适合这个演出。<BR>  那个叫Leona啥啥的演出我也不觉得糟(就是那个独唱的mm),但是最大的丢人之处,直接把我们埋汰成全世界的笑料并且抹杀了我们的运动员取得的成绩的,就是那个虾米Boris Johnson(伦敦那个混混市长)的出现!这家伙象征着英国所有糟糕的东西——一个完全没有天赋的小丑,内心丑恶。把他永远逐出舞台吧!<BR><BR>  When I heard about the plans for the London presentation, including the "arrangement" of the national anthem and the rehashed 70s rock music, I thought "it can't possibly be as bad as I'm imagining it". Well, it wasn't. It was a thousand, toe-curlingly hideous times worse. Against the dignity, seriousness and power of the Chinese displays, it was so far beyond embarrassing, my brain has already almost forgotten it, in a desperate paroxysm of self-defence.<BR>  当我听到伦敦发表的计划,包括“安排的”国歌和70年代的摇滚歌曲,我想这不可能比我想象的还要糟糕,好了,它不是,它是千万倍的更加糟糕。对比尊严的,严肃的和力量的中国表演,它比丢脸还要丢脸,在绝望的自我保护状态下,我的大脑已经将它忘记。<BR><BR><BR>    <BR>  Well done China on a fantastic organisation of the games which was flawless and Team GB for their medal haul. Thank you China for putting the U.S into second place.<BR>  (注意看最后一句 --)    <BR>  中国在赛会的组织上干的棒极了,梦幻一般的毫无瑕疵。英国选手也一样。谢谢你,中国,你们让美国掉到第二的位置去了。<BR>    <BR>  Well done, China! You have given the world a magnificent Olympics despite the efforts of the chattering classes in the Western media to portray you as some Stalinist state.<BR>  中国棒极了!你给了整个世界一个精彩绝伦的奥运会,与此同时西方媒体还在喋喋不休的努力把你塑造成斯大林主义似的的国家。<BR><BR>  The female who hugged Yao Ming was Lauren Jackson, an Australia basketball player playing in WNBA. After Yao entered NBA, there was rumor she had a crush on Yao, but Yao turned her down. There were many gossip about them.<BR>  So, seeing them hugging at the closing ceremony really really made me laugh, because 4 years ago, at the closing ceremony of Athens Olympic, Yao and his girlfriend 'Ye Li' came out together and that was the first time their relationship went public<BR>(外国人也知道姚明的八卦啊)<BR>  那个在闭幕式上拥抱姚明的女运动员是在WNBA打球的Lauren Jackson,当姚进入NBA打球时,他们曾经发生过一段绯闻,但是姚拒绝了她>_<看到他们在闭幕式上拥抱真是太好玩了,你知道四年前在雅典的闭幕式上,姚和他的女朋友叶莉第一次手牵手出现在公众面前<BR><BR>  What was that red bus /umbrella garbage all about? What an embarrassment for UK. It was not so much the pathetic handover performance that upset me, but the arrogant, rude and disgraceful behavior of London’s mayor Boris Johnson when attending the handover party in Bejing. Show some respect Mr BJ ! Beijing was a gracious host and deserves some praise at the handover.  <BR>  Robert, Windsor<BR>  TMD红色巴士和垃圾雨伞到底是虾米啊??!!真是给英国丢脸啊。从来没有比这次可怜的交接仪式更雷到我的了。而那个伦敦市长Boris Johnson 在北京闭幕式的交接仪式上无知、粗鲁和毫无尊重的表现更是丢人。给北京一点尊重吧!北京是个热情和蔼的主人,在交接仪式上值得尊重!!<BR><BR>  Production of Global sporting superstars at the 2008 Beijing Games is correct and will remain memorable. Yet, some of us tend to place focus on matters of less importance and one wonders what is their ulterior motives. All countries with high crime rates should learn from these recently concluded games, and note that it is of high importance to develop the youths sporting potential from a tender age, so that their high energy can be burnt in the right direction and not in criminal activities.  <BR>  Hollis N Hosein, Trinidad and Tobago -WI<BR>  让北京举办地球上最盛大的体育盛会无疑是正确的,而且将会难以忘怀。我们中的一些人光注意那些根本不重要的细节,而且还有人觉得他们(中国)是别有用心滴。<BR>  所有高犯罪率的国家都应该从最近结束的奥运会学点什么,而且注意一下在豆蔻年华就发掘青少年的潜力是很重要滴,让他们的精力在正确的方向燃烧,而不是在犯罪行为上发光!<BR><BR>  8 minutes of total rubbish , What the hell are we playing at , That whole bus thing and crazy people was a total sham , And as for the indian girl representing the children of England well I have seen it all now . What a mess , 2012 wont be a patch on this olympics.  <BR>  sam, london<BR>  8分钟是彻头彻尾的垃圾,我们TMD到底在表演什么啊?乱七八糟的巴士和疯子一样的表演者简直丢脸丢大发鸟。而对于那个代表英国的印度女孩,简直看不下去了。什么破玩意儿嘛。2012年伦敦根本不配举办奥运会!<BR><BR>  Well done China, well presented games, Boris came across well, showed we have a good mayor, who knows what London has to do to ensure we put on a good show, advice from those of us who are still British is dump most of the things in the 8 minutes as they are not in tune with London/British values or what people know us for, increase the use of the union flag as the useless logo looks half useful in that guise! Boris has clearly been saddled with Livingston’s leftie leftovers, dump them be bold!  <BR>  [GlobalTemplar], Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom<BR>  中国,干得不错!是一场精心准备的奥运会,Boris的出现也还好,显示出我们有多么优秀的一个市长啊,他知道伦敦应该做什么来显示我们可以举办好奥与会,我们这些人的大多数根本不明白伦敦/英国价值的人的建议都在8分钟里面出现鸟,或者说让世人对我们滴像一个没用的logo一样的联邦国旗又多了点印象。<BR>  Boris清楚滴展示了一个左派份子的垃圾形象,我们打包把他倒掉吧!!<BR>  (这段翻译得不好,这人反讽能力太强了,囧)<BR><BR>  It has been a long time that I felt embarrassed for 8 long minutes. I really hope the organizers get there act together for the 2012 Olympics in London, because whether we like it or not the Chinese did a wonderful job from beginning to end. Whether true or false, let us hope the Red Arrows will do a fly past at the opening ceremony in London because that will be something worth watching, unless of course Boris has something up his sleeve to surprise us all.  <BR>  Rose, Bicester<BR>  很长一段时间内,我都为我们的8分钟感到丢脸,我真心希望那些组织者去为了我们的2012年伦敦奥运会,一起去那里(北京)看看,因为不管我们喜欢与否,中国人从头到尾都做得非常棒。无论正确与否,让我们希望在伦敦开幕式前the Red Arrows(英国红箭飞行表演队,在BBC开幕式的评论上就有英国人提到我们不会又上红箭吧,看来英国果然只有红箭啊-_-)能够腾飞起来,只有那样,说不定才有点看头,除非Boris又把他的手揣在兜里,来给我们所有人一个惊喜!<BR><BR><BR>  <BR>  AND HERE'S BECKS! AND A WOMAN IN A RUNNING OUTFIT PLAYING A VIOLIN! Becks boots a ball into the crowd... just the one, and it doesn't quite make the crowd... a couple of officials have a bit of a scrabble over it... and that's that, London's eight minutes are up... what to make of that?<BR>  小贝出来了!还有在跑动人群中拉小提琴的女人。小贝将一个足球踢向人群。。。只有一个,没有引起太大的骚动。。。两个工作人员乱扒了一通。。。就这些,伦敦八分钟结束了。。。谁明白这是想表达什么意思吗? </DIV>
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-29 10:33:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-8-29 11:47:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-8-29 11:51:43 | 显示全部楼层

英国人利用奥运会的机会把中国人给讓美列:funk: :funk:

个人理解,呵呵  权当笑料,呵呵
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-29 11:58:02 | 显示全部楼层
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