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[其他] louboutin in this piece

发表于 2014-4-28 18:08:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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it is a typical 1990s-style landscape theme works with an estimated 6 million to 8 million yuan. In this work, Wu deliberately weakening factor line, "Wu landscape" brand of dense curve is almost completely gone, the usual landscape of the silver tone abdicated backdrop background black dominated the atmosphere of the picture. Although the mountain villages and the natural environment has been reproduced, but pay more attention to the abstract painter's expressive language and tension, on the basis of similar theme works of the 1980s greatly expanded the field on the form of the language."Universal Snow" as in 1994.
vivid interpretation out "of colorful ink.
Wu Guanzhong's ink paintings into the "arbitrary without transgressing" position, his "moment" is the pursuit of his own art and artistic beliefs. Between the various arguments, bursts of waves, he continued to experiment enough to reflect the possibility of formal beauty and all situations. This period is known as Wu Guanzhong's "brilliant black period",louboutin, he finally began to comply with the needs of their inner feelings and expression, and crossed the perimeter,tn, which is called "Buddha felt relief." No longer in touch with objective reality as the sole criterion for control was kite line.
in this piece, Wu captured the cloud of snow at the top of the mountain tour turn dynamic,louboutin, pure sway large row pen, pull out the various points like cursive, press,louboutin, press,tn, press down brushwork color face facial gesture suggesting proud cloud and snow deter transpiration Smart momentum, as if the clouds at the top of the mountain air Lan,louboutin, the myriad travel between Chibaya turn,tn, momentum pounds . The increase in very rare Wu abandon his frequent use of color points,tn, while pulling point different ink colors,tn, constitute a blank space between lines,louboutin, planes,tn, jet black strokes, changing ink to create a rhythm rhythm of the screen.
he just no longer refuse to pure abstraction,louboutin, he insists usual attitude that emotional "truth" is the most important. As to the form is figurative or abstract, and not intentionally Wu persistent place. From his creation in the 1990s,louboutin, although more work on the whole track onto the abstract,louboutin, but some did not completely abandon the old face, staggered in a variety of styles while his "brilliant black period." In this spring auction "Grand" Night of the eight  works in the 1990s, Wu Guanzhong visually show the many facets of abstract art.In the last decade of the 20th century.
enjoy the true expression of emotion can resonate with viewers.8 masterpiece resolvedAs in 1996, "Metro" Valuation 6 million to 8 million yuan, is Wu brush out with a row of black and white gray color square to represent the modern city of a new attempt, in pen and ink techniques, he fully used the original In adding white ink gouache painting,louboutin, strengthening levels of the screen, thickness and sense of space. In an atmosphere of alienation in the picture and with a hint of depression, which is the Wu for the rapid development of the modern city of little concern."Mountain village" same as in 1996.
"Metro" four works have participated in the China Art Gallery in 1999's "Wu Guanzhong Art Exhibition 1999", and eight works is invariably are recorded in the "Complete Works of Wu Guanzhong", other important publications are also frequently included,louboutin, which shows the importance of these eight works in the late 1990s, Wu Guanzhong system of art.Show the multi-faceted WuAccording to experts,tn, China Guardian's introduction in the 1990s,tn, Wu realized his artistic career, the most important breakthroughs in the form of his art to the abstract, spiritual direction sublime. But the abstract itself is not the purpose of Wu Guanzhong.

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