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还是深渊 1.聚沙成塔沙成塔 而实际上,正式一个细小的事物聚沙成塔,才造就了桩桩大事。 when it is actuaiiy the tiny little things that, 2.路在何方 那么生命的意义何在?恩,你经常听人们说“生命是一段旅程” 但确切地说,这段旅程的目的地在哪里? So what is life all about?Well.you often hrar that ife is a joumey but a journey to where ,exactly? 3.何谓生命 还有的人说,我们来到世上,就是为了组建一个家庭。毕竟, 繁衍后代的迫切需要已经深深地印在了每一个物种的基因图谱中。 Then there are people who say that we' simpiy here to have afamily.After al
the desperate need to replaee ourselves is etehed into the genetic map op everyliving thing 但是,这意味着我们的整个存在都是由原始的性冲动驱使的 好吧, 也许一个漫长的周末可以这样,但是整个生命历程呢?我不这样认为。 However.this means that our entire existenee is driven by ourprmitive sexual
urges.Okay,sure.a long weekcnd maybe.but our entire ecistenee? l on"tthink so. 4.不变的主题 当然,我不是在讨论罗曼蒂克,卿卿我我的爱, 尽管那本身也是一种相当强大的力量。 Of eourse,l'm not talking about romantic,Kissy-Kissylove although that is pretty powerful stuff in itself 5.谁动了我的奶酪? 其次一定要关注最紧的核心问题。不要管是谁动了你的奶酪, 先问问自己为什么要寻找奶酪! lt'also about getting to the essnee of what really matters.Neverminb who mveb your cheese-ask yourself why you were looking for cheese in the first plaee! 关注微信、关注贝丽丹 点击右上角“...”把消息分享到朋友圈吧! 扫描二维码、关注微信公共平台(微信账号:bld1001) 服务热线 :0591-83826387 0591-87667373客服 Q Q : 598931152
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